things are a changing at the daniels home. Dean turned 7 months on wednesday. he now scoots across the floor. rolls from back to tummy, eats baby food 2-3 times a day. he is getting his 4th tooth. he loves running errands with mom or going outside. he loves his lil' crunchies and demands them when he is eating. he loves his mama so much that sometimes he won't let her put him down. he sits up in the bath. he used to be scared of sitting in the bath. he loves playing with his dada when he comes home. everywhere we go everyone says how happy and smiley he is. he is the joy of our life and LOVE that he is our little boy!
Chris is finishing up school. he is doing very well and is pulling straight A's. (he would be very embarrassed i said don't tell him). he is teaching spin 2 days a week. h e has starting to love running which i thought was the worst timing since i can't really run with him....hence my belly. he is has lost 15 lbs since January...another thing he would hate for me to write on here. but i am very proud of him. he is an amazing father to dean and an amazing, loving, husband.

then there is me....not much going on with me. trying to pack and get ready for the move. we are pretty sad to leave our wonderful friends we have made in Connecticut. i keep telling them i will only be an 1 1/2 hours away. i am almost done being sick....hopefully as i start my next trimester next week. i am very looking forward to that. i am keeping busy being a mom. love it and am excited for our next additio
n to our family.