this is the first of many installments of fashion tips with the following disclaimer: we live in utah.
so, about purple:
...it's coming back (if was ever was in) in a big way. so just start wearing it. purple is the new brown, which was the new green, which was the new red which was the new black. in my opinion, of the eight standard colors: black, purple, red, brown, green, yellow, blue and white coupled with the recent interest in 80's style, you can't go wrong with any of these. however, there's is a catch. let me provide some background. you walk into the buckle (and you want to kill yourself) and what do you see? an array of t-shirts (mostly black) with large tattoo style designs. they cover the whole shirt, sometimes front and back and a lot of designs are off-center. look, if it's in the buckle, chances are it is quickly on it's way out the syle doors. it's like the difference between listenting to x96 and 97.1. the former plays it first and then a year later the song is popularized by the latter, corporate radio. the key to future fashion success: keep it simple, keep it solid. for an example of what i'm talking about see www.americanapparel.net
Cute blog... love that you have one. So the reason why Zoe has an orange nose is because she has a lot of orange food that she is eating. I am slowly introducing her to people food, subsequently if she has too many carrots, sweet potatoes and squash...her nose turns orange. How the heck are you guys?
Oops typo!
The Buckle... not only are the items on their way out of style, they are way too expensive.
I'm so glad I have you guys around to keep me on the up and up! However, I don't think I could pull off purple the way you do. :)
oh dang,...im on it! watch i will have everyone in hawaii wearin purple!!!ccchhheehooo!!!
i love you guys...i guess i need a purple hoodie...
Kristen! Hi I found your blog from Ambers. How are you? I am glad to know Purple is back because I have been missing it the last couple of years...very glad to see coral gone....
Anyways, you are living in utah? You and your hubby are a very cute couple. I am very happy for you to be so happily married! (Isn't it fun?)
Hey, I have a blog too, but it is "private" so If you would like to see it shoot me an email at kellijogirl@yahoo.com and then I will invite you to it. I am glad to have found your blog miss you!
You guys looks so cute in this pic. Purple is back but it's got to be the right shade of purple.
Hey cous,
try this email for Kell--
Let me know if this works.
Hey, I have a word of advice...Move to California! We'll fix the fashion! Love you and the comments on my blog. Keep in touch! Your fav Aunt Joni
Kristin and Chris - I found you!!!!
:) You're off to a great start on the blog. Keep it interesting! Keep us guessing! Come visit our blog.
Auntie Erika
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