...or maybe half an hour or so. I will be LIVE and on air with the X96 Radio from Hell program (Kerry, Bill & Gina) this Thursday (October 2) at about 0800 a.m. discussing the nursing profession as part of the Radio from Hell's "Ask a..." feature. Ask a Male Nurse. I'm totally scared out of my mind. I submitted an email to Richie T. last week requesting the gig knowing it was a shot in the dark, but he replied today asking if I could come in this Thursday. So check it out... or don't. Just thought I'd let you all know. By the way, it X96, 96.3 FM.
My friends at work will be listening!!! Yeah I love you so much!!
Random, I know - I'm your neighbor and have talked to Kristin every now and again. That's awesome you're going to be on X-96.. especially for that segment! I'm friends with Richy T so I like to listen to the show... it's like being back at SUU when he was the DJ there!
Have fun!
Sweet! Can I callin and ask what's the best way to give a good rim job?
Kristin... Hey... To answer your question about the letters. I made them, I found letters and covered them with different paper. Way easy to do!!!
Hey maybe if we had some pictures together I would put them up. I had fun talking to you too you need to come over more again!!
rats.i missed it!! i bet you did great!
thanks for the comment on my blog. i get nervous posting personal, spiritual stuff but do it anyway. and NO, i dont mind you comparing me to you. i consider it flattering. you are an awesome person and i wish i had more free time so we could hang out!!
Dan here- Bro I am so jealous. I always wanted to apply for that but could never come up with anything interesting to apply with. Then again, maybe "Ask former Youtube-superstar" could work. Probably not. Maybe I'll just shoot for BFOP and get to eat lil' polska with the crew. That would be a good time.
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