First off I have to say how proud I am of my Man. He graduated with his BNS in May and is now applying to Graduate school.
We took a trip to AZ to check out the school and visit family. Well needless to say I have NO complaints and as long as Chris can bike he is in. We loved the weather. It was perfect when we went, it was a nice break from this weather we are having. We had an amazing time, visiting family, shopping, floating down the Salt river and I went on a killer hike, I was sore for days! {Love you Al!}

In May we took a trip down to St. George for our Hallows family reunion, it was so fun! We had such a good time. Thanks Blake and Linda for the house!
Our summer is packed with more adventures! {MS Ride, 4Th of July in Idaho, Jamie comes to visit, and of course our Cruise!! I am still trying to find a way to fit Cali in there!}
Hope you enjoy your summer!!

cute pictures kris! you guys have been busy. i saw that i got mentioned in this post : ) guess i'm kinda special, huh? love you! you look great in all these pics!
Good times! Arizona looks beautiful, I want to go next time! Oh and the cruise will be great but if the boys for real get those short shorts, there will be no pictures posted on the blog!!....Okay?
Hey! It was good to hear from you. You look so pretty as usual. Love the blonde hair! Congrats to Chris for graduating, that is awesome. Have so much fun on your cruise. When are you going? So when is a baby Daniels on the way? We are waiting still, probably for another year. Medical school is so intense, we want to be further along with Dan's schooling. So you guys are moving to Arizona? You should check out Texas, we LOVE it here. Anyway, glad you guys are back in the blogging world.
oh my gosh! what a fun summer... i'm jealous!
hey beautiful! i'm so glad you guys came! it was so fun getting to hang out with you two! lets plan another hike for the next time you come -k-
ps: i'm keeping your shoes for randsom...so if you want them you better hurry back!
love ya girl!
ps, i started p90x, but i'll have tell ya about that later!
fun times. i love the summer time. summa summa summa time summa time. little song there.
congrats to Chris for GRADUATING> awesome. i hope we get to chill again b4 we leave. life is crazy. oh and I very much enjoyed listening to the videos of Chris & friend on the right side of your blog. very entertaining!
Cute pics kris. Your trips look so fun so far, and you still have so many to go. we need to hang out soon and start laying out again:)
I love AZ we are going back in October to visit again. I love the heat! It doesn't bother me at all.
Cute pics! Your husband and you are adorable! I love the ones of you and Amber...that is fun you got to hang out at her new place! If you do come to cali I hope we can see you guys.
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