so by writing my thoughts down today will help me feel a little better about how i have been feeling through my 2ND pregnancy. well i hope so.....
during the first part of my last pregnancy i was so excited and happy that i finally got pregnant. it was so fun being around so many cute pregnant women and it was such a fun new experience that i was going through. but then when i unexpectedly miscarried, my world kinda shattered for just a moment. it was hard but i felt that i had to stay tough and put my faith in the Lord.
i got pregnant so quickly after i almost didn't believe it. until i saw my little man at 14 weeks. it was so amazing. i know that heavenly father has a plan for the hub and i and the first pregnancy was just not the right time for us to start a family.
so i am 20 weeks tomorrow. i am so thrilled that i have made it this far. i know that's weird to say, but its hard not to think that i would be having my first baby in less than a month. i am so grateful for this pregnancy and everything about it. i think i am starting to feel my little man move and i am having the normal pregnancy symptoms. but in the back of my mind i still get worried. my doctor is great. he has me do extra tests, because of what happened the first time and i think that is what gives me a little anxiety. though, i know it's for the best. and he just doesn't want a lawsuit. i have my BIG ultra sound next week. doc is having me see a specialist and wants to do some in depth ultra sound. which i think will be good. but then it also makes me nervous.
anyways all in all i think this little post helped me. and its nice to just unload a bit every once and awhile.

On a more exciting thought, my bro {ev} and sis in law {tay} had their baby! Nixon James is such a doll!!!! i gush with little tears every time i see him {in pictures or on skYpE}. he is so precious.
i am so hormonal all the sudden. i wasn't in my first's all the babies being born. my sis in law {kristEn} is due in 2 weeks!
i can't wait!
that's all for now.....