it was only a matter of time......
we have been here for 6 weeks now. it was only a matter of time until we would have to speak in our new ward. we are speaking this sunday on faith. i am grateful for the opportunity to speak. i am feed spiritually and am learning more about faith. it has been a good experience for us, so far, living on our own and relying on the Lord. we have made it a goal to pray and read the scriptures every night and i give an F.H.E. lesson every Monday night. We have noticed what these three small steps have made in our marriage already. we have better attitudes. we are more up lifted and we hardly ever argue.....i mean i can't remember when the last time was. we are trying NOW to make a habit of these things before our baby boy comes. I am really excited for our progress.
but as for now....i am feeling a little this way about speaking in public!
you are going to do awesome girl! i still remember when you spoke in the cottonwood ward. you were great! they sure got you guys quick. we've been in our ward since last july and still haven't been asked! good luck!
haha i love this pic. no worries, it is a right of passage, it will be over soon! And Faith? that is an easy topic. you are gonna rock it.
i swear having a strong marriage is about doing the little things... why is that so easy to forget?
you are so funny! and that picture is hot by the way! you'll do great, wish we could be there to make faces at you in the congregation!
CRAZY EYES! I love you! You'll talk wonderfully. No worries.
i love this pic, hahah it's hilarious! good luck, it's so scary to talk in church. you'll do great though.
you know how I feel about public speaking!! I am going to work on that for sure.
I'm glad you guys are doing so well!
love you!
Haha I can totally relate!! We had to speak in church the weekend you guys left and it was very nerve raking! I had never spoke in church before. But it turned out good and overall was a great experience for me. Love you!
i'm sure you sounded great! we had to speak in church this week too! 3 weeks in the ward and they tagged us. at least its over with, right? xo.
I bet you did great!!! You are such a great person and I look up to you! Can't wait to see you next month!
I'm so glad you are reading scriptures every night! Uncle Frank and I have a testimony of will literally change/save your marriage when times get tough. So proud of you and what you guys are doing together to prepare for your family. You are going to be awesome parents! ; )
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