dean went to the doctor today. i was about two months late. Oops! he weighs 25lbs 8 oz he is 31.5 inches long he is such a happy baby. i am not joking, and i feel dumb for kinda bragging about it. but seriously EVERYWHERE i go, whether it's the plane, grocery store, (he loves to flirt with any girl that will look at him), the cashier asked if she could just keep him at her register all day so she could stay happy while she was at work. the mall, my ob gyn's office, his doctor's office. i will usually get comments like this..."oh aren't you the happiest baby ever", or "he is the happiest baby i have seen in a long time". "oh he is so smiley". "is that boy ever not smiling?" a restaurant owner even told me," if more babies came in and acted the way your baby did i would want to have a baby." i was beaming. but i do warn them, he does cry and he does have his moments of being UNhappy. he is a growing boy! he now claps waves bye-bye on cue. says "HI" has stood on his own twice. he says mama and dada and knows who we are. he has gotten picky with eating, the ped doc says that's what toddlers do. he rather have what mom and dad are having than baby food. i don't blame him. (i am not going to list everything, those are just the developments for this month)
On to my next topic.....we were able to fly home for a few weeks. (dean and I) we saw family and got to relax from our day to day routine. it was fun, but torture at the same time. i realize how much i miss out on living away from it all. but at the same living away????
since we have lived out of the state of Utah, and i don't know if it is just the east coast. but whenever i mention i am from Utah...i get "Oh then you must be Mormon" HA HA i just love it. we are not supposed to judge and i think sometimes us "Mormon's" get it the worst. i had someone ask..."is that why you are having your kids so close together, so you can have like 8?" UM YA ThAT's IT!! WOW!!! I know this is such a RANDOM post....however I just wanted to write down a couple things that have been happening in our not so exciting life! Thanks for reading! xoxo
i love that picture, haha! dean is such a cutie!!! i'm so glad we got to see each other while we were both in town. wish it could have been for longer! xoxo!
Oh man I love this picture! I have been anxiously watching for a posting on your blog. Sorry to hear that you lost your luggage both ways! I'm getting very excited for September so we can see RI. Dean is such a happy little man. Fun times ahead!
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