this morning i hit a bird. i was so tired from my night shift i didn't even see it in the road. i only heard the thump and watched the feathers whooshing out from under my car. poor little bird, so sad!
I'm sitting at a light, trying to go to the gym,the light turns green, and The car in front of me just sits there. ugh! {i try really hard to be on the ball about this} i give him a little honk to get him to look up at the light and you know what he does??? he throws his hands in the air and flips me off! ok really? thats the reaction i get? now if i was laying on the horn thats one thing, but i just gave him a little honk! excuse me, but i have places to be too. ha ha i eventually made it through the light.
i am at Nordstom today and i have to stop at the MAC counter {its a flaw i know} but instead of buying ANOTHER eye shadow that i won't ever wear. i turned to leave and the kiehl's counter caught my eye. so instead of an eye shadow i purchased an acne product. another flaw. mario is still my most fav, however it is hard to travel with. urr! i can't wait to use this little gem. not that i love zits or anything, {i hate them!} i just like trying new skin products. its a passion of mine, ask anyone that knows me. the best part is, i chatted it up with the sales associate and he gave me a sample of one of their masks!!! he said its mud from the amazon, not sure if that is 100% true, however i love free samples! kiehl's is all natural.
got a winter coat for $30 and i absolutely love it! love nordstom sales!
my love and i got pedi's today! love my pink toes with a white flower.
hope all of you have a wonderful week, i know i will.....xoxo
let me know if that new product works! i could use like a gallon of it! how fun that you got a pedi today! i need one! have fun on your cruise!
poor bird! UH! Have fun on your cruise kristen!
i'm not sure why, but i can't write on your facebook wall. i can't wait to see pictures from the cruise! did you know we'll be in utah for bobbie's wedding in 1 month?! yay! me and sade will be there 10/20 to 10/28. kod goes home on the 25th. love you! : )
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