i wake up
make my bed
eat my breakfast
clean up my house from the night before, my husband gets messy
i do my yoga
i eat a snack
then i either figure out what to make for dinner, get all my ingredients ready
i read my scriptures
do the laundry if i have any
monday's i prepare f.h.e.
i eat lunch
i browse the Internet, not for too long...i hate wasting my days
then i either go out and run some errands or explore connecticut
after that i make dinner and wait for my honey to get home.....
this week i am making....bread, ritz cracker chicken, hawaiian haystacks, chicken alfredo, sweet potato fries, and potato soup with grilled cheese. hope it all tastes good!!
make my bed
eat my breakfast
clean up my house from the night before, my husband gets messy
i do my yoga
i eat a snack
then i either figure out what to make for dinner, get all my ingredients ready
i read my scriptures
do the laundry if i have any
monday's i prepare f.h.e.
i eat lunch
i browse the Internet, not for too long...i hate wasting my days
then i either go out and run some errands or explore connecticut
after that i make dinner and wait for my honey to get home.....
this week i am making....bread, ritz cracker chicken, hawaiian haystacks, chicken alfredo, sweet potato fries, and potato soup with grilled cheese. hope it all tastes good!!
i am loving your freedom schedule. having TIME is the best! I am jealous you live in such a gorgeous place that you can explore freely! and your cooking sounds amazing!
oh i'm jealous of your days! they sound wonderful!
yum...i love baked sweet potato fries! also, grilled cheese with alfalfa sprouts and mashed black beans is quite tasty, you'll have to try it sometime :)
we're not sure when we'll be able to come out, but we know we will come at least once while you two live out there! i would love to come in the spring. last time we missed it by a few weeks.
this is so different than your old schedule! You deserve it. So is chris working every day or does he have school stuff to do too?
oh by the way that last comment was me!
Look at you being all domestic and all. I need that kind of time so I can get some laundry done!
sounds lovely...i'm so jealous!
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