Dean is growing and changing everyday!! He
now has 8 teeth. Says mama when he cries. Says dada, ra, ba, ooooo, hi, and a bunch of other babble that we
adore. He is still army crawling, but is VERY close to the real thing. He rocks back and forth on his hands and knees. He can go from a lying position on his tummy to sitt
ing. It is so cute to watch. He has started to climb up on things. He eats pretty much whatever I
eat, minus a few things. We haven't been to the doctor yet but last time we checked weighed 24lbs!!!! Big boy. He wears 12-18 month clothing. We have taken him swimming and he absolutely loves the pool. He loves splashing around with the kids. I can't believe he is going to be 9 months in 2 weeks.
I am feeling better. We find out what we are having this week and are very excited about it! I have been staying busy with Dean on my hip. Trying to decorate, find my way around our new place and of course going to the pool.
It's good to see you blogging again! That Dean is getting so big, and he is so cute. You better text me after you go to your dr. apt and let me know what he says. Hope you guys are liking your new home in RI.
We miss you guys!!!
Glad things are going well! Dean is so big! I love it!
Hey! I want pics of the new place please :)
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