to my two friends that read my blog, i won't make this blog post last as long as it sounds. i will let the pictures do most of the talking.

almost every morning, 4 to 5 days a week, my friend, Amy and I, {sometimes ashley} walk 3 miles or more a day with our kiddo's. I look forward to it in the morning. when we don't go cause of rain...i get thrown off from my day. dean enjoys the ride also. he usually falls asleep.
dean is now 9 months and one week. boy, does time fly. He is my little buddy and wouldn't trade being his mama for anything. he now has 8 big teeth. he crawls {fast} and gets into everything. he is trying hard to walk against the couch but ends up falling. we got him a walker last week...

he likes it. we walk around with him to show him how it works. he loves the pool. he says mama, dada, ba, mom, na, and a bunch of things i think is so cute to hear. he eats big people food, loves to cuddle, and tugs at my pant legs when he wants some love. he also gives great kisses. when i ask for a kiss he pulls my face toward his open mouth and gives me a wet one. i love it!

and as for the 21 1/2 may i add...weeks. i am thrilled! trying to take your own belly shot is hard to do!
i hope you counted me in as part of those 2. :)
i can't believe how big dean is now. he has grown so fast! and i'm sad to say i've never got to see nor hold that sweet boy yet.
i'd KILL to have your prego belly! seriously! you look awesome lady!
i love when you post.
miss you guys.
i was thinking of you today... actually. of the 4th when you guys came up. and how i loved hanging out with you.
wish i could see our boys together, they're about at the same place :)
you look smokin'!
yes yes and YES! Love that you get to walk everyday. I've been doing lots of outside time with b and man babies eat that stuff up! Dean is doing so much fun stuff!! I love it. And you're looking like one hot mama with that baby bump. Oh and I LOVE the poo pic... go Dean!
Oh MY GOSH! That IS Poo! Gross! The pictures are cute!! I miss you lots!! LOVE YOU!!
I thought you meant Dean was walking!!! I was shocked! You look amazing, and so does dean. So handsome. You look so happy!!
He reminds me of easton so much. They both do the same things! Easton has been walking for a bit now and boy can those kids MOVE!
That poo picture is hilarious! Don't you just love the blow outs?! You are looking amazing! You have such a cute belly bump.
You look fabulous! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend! :)
i wish i could go walking with you every morning! i love all the pics! you look amazing! love you!
Yeah I'm blog worthy!! Thanks for being my walking partner! You look so happy in the pooh if you didn't know it was there?! Funny thing is you were yelling at me to hurry up and take the pic so you could clean up! Ha Ha Good times!
Oh my pictures do say thousands of words. The greatest! A really fun update on what is happening. Thanks and can't wait to get out to the big state.
I read your blog too.. You look great and Easton is adorable.. Keep the updates coming :)
SICK!!! That poop pic is hilarious! You're awesome for taking a pic of it and sharing, yummy.
Ok, you are so freaking beautiful, Dean is adorable, and I can't wait for baby #2!! Miss ya~
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