Sep 19, 2010

2 Days over DUE!

This is my first pregnancy as you all know.....and to go over your the date your doctor gave you is the WORST! It's not that i hate being pregnant....I just want my precious little boy here!! I have been told many times this week that i look HUGE and have had people that live around me "when is that baby coming out", "you look like your going to pop", "oh you poor thing", "your having a boy, I can tell". It has all been fun...however I am ready to here other things like...."oh your little one is so cute", and "look what a precious baby". ya know stuff like that.
So for all of you that read my blog and check in on me.....I love you all and will definitely let you know when he arrives. Which will be for sure sometime Monday night to Tuesday morning. That's my when my doctor wants to induce me. Which I am okay with now....but really wanted him to come out on his own.
I guess we do still have a day and a half so.....maybe??
Thank you for all your texts and phone calls and emails! I love them all! I feel so blessed and loved to have you all in my life!


Rick and Janae said...

At least your mom is here to distract you from being overdue. So does that mean we will see you today?? ;)

Anonymous said...

good luck sweets!

Jamie said...

sadie was 3 days late and it was a killer, so i totally feel for ya! maybe baby #2 will come early for you like mine did. i'm so excited for you guys, but you already know that! : ) you are going to do great! yay for baby dean's arrival!!! can't wait to see his precious little face! love you sis!

Lindsey Walker said...

You still have today, maybe he will come?! :) i just can't believe you are going to be a mom next week, how exciting!! At least you are just getting those comments this week. I have been getting them the past couple weeks and will probably get told I look like I "am about to pop" for 1 and half more months! It stinks. You will be such a great mommy, and enjoy today. It's the last day it will ever be just you and Chris. Love you!!

laura said...

it's hard to be overdue...our little guy was 9 days late. once they get here though, you forget about all the aches, pains, and anxiousness. hang in there! and post as soon as he gets here!! good luck! xoxo.

The Turners said...

Hey girl! Hang in there. It will all be over soon and you will be lovin' on your new little peanut. Waiting is a bummer but it's worth it. Good luck with everything!!

Sara said...

Blech, being overdue sucks. Also, people telling you that you look huge are dumb. First of all; you're not actually huge. (You could pull out pictures of actually huge women for comparison - I'll be happy to lend you some..;)Second, if even if you were huge, do you really need a stranger pointing that out? I'm just saying. I may still be a bit bitter about that...
Anyway - I hope he gets here soon! Hang in there and all the best when you go into labor. We can't wait to meet him either.

Brooke said...

Even at 2 days overdue I think you're a darling pregnant lady! :)
But seriously - come on Dean - we're all excited to meet you!

Jason and Heidi said...

I bet you are so antsy!!! He'll come when he's ready, be patient!!! I can't wait to see pictures. Miss ya!

renhallows said...

good luck to you two...can't wait for you to experience that miraculous event. It's amazing!

Clark and Kristen Daniels said...

You better text me...even if it is 2 in the morning. Just say it with me "Epidural" lol!

Jen said...

I have been thinking about you everyday for like 3 weeks! Come on Deaaaaannnnnnnn!